Change the world. Together.

How ۶Ƶ Collectives can help you solve the planet's biggest challenges – ۶Ƶ Collectives

What can one person do?

Imagine digging a tunnel by yourself. Not only might it take years, as you dig deeper, the work would get trickier and riskier. Now picture a group of people working together. Each has different tools and skills. Some have shovels, others have excavators. Some are engineers, others, support structure specialists. With everyone working together and playing to their strengths in a coordinated way, the team quickly breaks through to the other side.

That's what happens when you join a collective. In philanthropy, a collective is a network of like-minded people and organizations working together on a cause, such as fighting poverty, climate change, inequality, or inadequate healthcare and education.

The members collaborate and combine their resources and skills towards solving an issue close to their hearts. The result? A united force with the power to make the world a better place.

How do you join a collective? ۶Ƶ Collectives makes it easy. So, if you only do one thing today, do this: read on. Because you're about to discover how you can change a problem for good.

Ways to change the world

Three ready-made collectives for you to choose from

۶Ƶ Collectives brings you a choice of ready-made collectives focused on issues we're well placed to solve with you. Whichever you choose, you'll be joining a global network of philanthropists, experts and organizations who want to tackle an issue as much as you. By working together and combining your efforts, skills, and resources, you'll achieve more than could ever be possible alone.

۶Ƶ Climate Collective

Building coastal resilience

Climate change threatens all life on earth. Unless we act urgently, we’ll face an ever-growing threat of environmental catastrophe. Solutions that work exist! And some of these promising solutions lie in the coastal areas, which also happen to be some of the most affected areas. Only by collaborating radically with a razor-sharp focus can we bring them to the scale we need to mitigate the effect of climate change and build resilient livelihoods. As part of the ۶Ƶ Climate Collective, you’ll be working to:

  • Support nature-based solutions that reduce and remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere;
  • Build blue carbon markets worldwide. Blue carbon markets sell ‘credits’ in nature-based solutions to governments and businesses seeking to offset their carbon emissions. Their success will promote the rapid growth of nature-based solutions and investments in climate;
  • Enable communities to adapt to climate change and create sustainable livelihoods; and
  • Protect and restore biodiversity worldwide.

۶Ƶ Transform Collective

Raising children in loving families

The best place for children to grow up is in a family. But despite having families who want to look after them, millions of children live in institutions like orphanages – where they're at more risk of suffering from poor health, education, and prospects. They're also at far greater risk of abuse and trafficking. Solutions that work exist, but they need to be adapted to the local contexts and brought to scale. As part of the ۶Ƶ Transform Collective, you’ll be working to:

  • Enable vulnerable children to grow up safely in nurturing families and communities;
  • Redirect millions in donations away from institutions and towards quality family-based care systems;
  • Reform child protection systems to better protect children and strengthen families; and
  • Reduce the number of children living in institutions (currently around five to six million worldwide).1

۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective

Investing in children's health, education, and the planet they live in

Every child deserves the opportunity to blossom into a well-rounded, healthy adult – equipped with everything they need to thrive in life. But millions of vulnerable children suffer from a lack of access to quality healthcare, education, and environment. Too often, they face a life spent struggling with poor health, poverty and difficulty finding work. Solutions that work exist, but we need to make them more sustainable. As part of the ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective, you'll be working to:

    • improve the health and education of disadvantaged children worldwide and preserve the planet where they live;
    • create a system where innovative ‘social finance’ investments will soon become the first choice for individuals and organizations seeking to solve social and environmental issues. Social finance is a type of investment that gives a vital financial boost to solutions whilst recycling the returns from investment capital, thereby multiplying the effect of your financial contribution. You'll be helping make social finance mainstream, attracting the massive private and commercial investments needed to give children the healthcare, education, and environment they deserve; and
    • support social businesses – mentoring, training, and investing in social businesses to help them grow, achieve more impact, and take their solutions to the world.

    Why join our ۶Ƶ Collectives

    Becoming a member of the ۶Ƶ Collectives gives you the opportunity to embark on a fantastic two-year learning journey with peer philanthropists and experts.

    Belong to a network that makes a big difference

    Why struggle to achieve your philanthropic goals alone? With ۶Ƶ Collectives, you'll join a global movement, working with people who share your determination to solve an issue.

    By collaborating and sharing your resources and skills, you'll create a unified response with the power to change the world. ۶Ƶ Collectives gives you access to:

    • a network of people invited by ۶Ƶ – people like you who are united in their desire to make a difference
    • fellow philanthropists based locally and worldwide who you can reach out to for ideas and support
    • an international team of over 130 philanthropy experts at ۶Ƶ who can help you get the best from your philanthropy.

    Access a learning experience that makes you a better philanthropist

    You'll have exclusive access to an unparalleled two-year philanthropy learning experience – bringing you the knowledge, skills, confidence, and peer-camaraderie you need to maximize your impact.

    Becoming a member of the ۶Ƶ Collectives provides you with a unique learning curriculum plus advice tailored to your needs including the opportunity to:

    • access and grow expert knowledge on philanthropy – from training on strategic philanthropy -
    • such as how to change systems, learn about best practices in designing, implementing and evaluating projects, and get insights into solving the issue you want to address;
    • improve your practical skills such as selecting partners for collaborations, assessing and vetting projects, and campaigning for change;
    • join an inspirational week-long Insights trip (at your own cost) where you’ll be able to see system change in action, deepen your expertise, and experience projects in person – and meet and learn from the people running them;
    • join conferences and seminars where you can learn from and advance the conversation with philanthropy experts and peers; and
    • work more closely with a philanthropy advisor to apply these learning to your personal philanthropy.

    Connect with powerful players and magnify your efforts

    ۶Ƶ Collectives connects you to people, organizations and solutions with the power and influence to make your goals reality, including:

    • companies, academics, and specialists who can help maximize your impact;
    • government groups who set laws and policies relating to the issue you want to solve; and
    • opportunities to team up with best-in-class organizations, projects, funds, and social finance solutions that are vetted and approved by ۶Ƶ. Your donation will be pooled with money from your fellow collective members, creating a combined financial force with the power to make an even greater impact. We'll also add an extra 10% to any amount you invest through the collective.

    Unite your family around shared values

    Experiencing philanthropy with other family members is a great way to bring your family closer together. ۶Ƶ Collectives unlocks that opportunity, bringing you:

    • quality time with your family, working together on a cause that's close to your hearts;
    • a dedicated ۶Ƶ team focused on supporting you and your family; and
    • advice on making the most of your philanthropy and managing other important areas of your family's wealth.

    We are the Climate Collective - a family on a journey together trying to make a difference in the world. - ۶Ƶ Climate Collective member

    Want to try out first?

    To fit with your needs and lifestyle, each collective brings you a choice of three membership options: Next to a full membership, you can become an advocate or an ally and join the movement with your capacity and access exclusive content and experiences.

    USD 250k/y

    Minimum yearly financial commitment – to be pooled with others and fund the programs on the ground. ۶Ƶ adds a 10% match. (2 years minimum - USD500k in total)


    Access to a learning curriculum – with peer philanthropists including:

    • Two year curriculum
    • Online self-learning
    • Invitation to annual summit
    • Online events
    • Personal support from philanthropy advisor to apply the learnings into your philanthropy
    • ۶Ƶ Collectives insights trip: One week ‘in-the-field’ learning experience incl. project visit to see systemic impact in action (at your own cost)

    Donors’ trip – possibility to join a two-days project visit with program director (at your own cost)


    • Bi-annual progress report
    • Online live Q&A sessions with experts and partners

    Social media assets – to communicate on your involvement to sort the issue

    Family members – option to include additional family members in the ۶Ƶ Collectives - one included (extra family members for USD 25k per year)​

    USD 50k/y

    Minimum yearly financial commitment – to be pooled with others and fund the programs on the ground. ۶Ƶ adds a 10% match.


    Access to a learning curriculum – with peer philanthropists including:

    • One-year access
    • Online self-learning
    • Invitation to annual summit (part of the event)
    • One online event (of your choice from the schedule)
    • Personal support from philanthropy advisor to apply the learnings into your philanthropy


    • Bi-annual progress report
    • Online live Q&A sessions with experts and partners

    Social media assets – to communicate on your involvement to sort the issue

    Donation up to you

    Yearly financial commitment – to be pooled with others and fund the programs on the ground. ۶Ƶ adds a 10% match.


    Access to a learning curriculum – with peer philanthropists including:

    • One-year access
    • Online self-learning (selected modules only)
    • Online events (selected events only)


    • Bi-annual progress report

    Social media assets – to communicate on your involvement to sort the issue


    How our clients are pursuing their purpose by creating a better world

    A mother, cousin and son traveled to Africa to understand how their social impact investments as part of the ۶Ƶ Acclerate Collective could move the educational needle in Ghana. They unexpectedly learned more about something also fundamental – who they are as a philanthropic family.

    Meet the Collectives

    Meet our ۶Ƶ Transform Collective member, Neena Vaswani, Co-Founder of Prodigy Snacks, as she shares more on what she’s learning about impactful philanthropy and working with others to drive the change she’s passionate about - children being raised in loving families.

    How ۶Ƶ Collectives can help you solve some of the planet’s biggest challenges

    Join our philanthropy experts and their clients in the US as they discuss the benefits of collective philanthropy and share personal insights and experiences on the benefit of joining forces with others.

    What your peers say...

    ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective member

    I came away with a deeper understanding of what we're all trying to achieve and the complexities in doing so. Very motivating.

    ۶Ƶ Climate Collective member

    Seeing it, being here (on an insights trip in Vietnam, Ed.), experiencing it firsthand was really important. It was a game changing day.

    ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective member

    I had a brilliant time. Very insightful and inspiring. Professionally delivered with charm. Thank you for the invitation.

    ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective member

    I came to Ghana with a small idea of what impact was and up until now I gave with my heart. Congratulations to the ۶Ƶ team because now I’m a convert to my mind coming first. My heart feels the problem. I know that by engaging my head I can make my money go further in addressing problems at scale.

    ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective member

    Thanks so much for all you did to make last week's ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective conference go so well. It was great to spend more time with the ۶Ƶ team and other members of the collective. We learned a lot during those few days. The conference also challenged us to consider how and where we're investing and donating.

    ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective member

    This trip has restored my hope that there is a real investible pathway to solve problems at scale. I can see it now! Education felt so large and confusing before I came here. Seeing the hands-on work being done and the level of execution makes me very hopeful to reinvent the way we can see philanthropy.

    ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective member

    It was really helpful for me to learn more. Your help with the learning curve is very much appreciated.

    ۶Ƶ Accelerate Collective member

    Rome wasn't built in a day and this carbon issue won't be solved in a day.

    Where next?

    You stand at a crossroads.

    One way takes you on a journey of trying to change the world on your own. The other takes you to a network of people and organizations that share your passion for making a difference. It's a place where you can combine your efforts, resources, and skills to create an unstoppable force for good.

    Why not come with us? There's so much we can do together.

    Take the first step.

    To find out more and join ۶Ƶ Collectives, please contact your ۶Ƶ client advisor or reach out to us through the link below.