Financial information

Quarterly reporting

We report our Group’s results for each financial quarter, including a breakdown of results by business division and disclosures or key developments relating to risk management and control, capital, liquidity and funding management.

Annual reporting

The Annual Reports (the ۶Ƶ Group AG Annual Report and the combined ۶Ƶ Group AG and ۶Ƶ AG Annual Report) include the consolidated financial statements of ۶Ƶ Group AG and ۶Ƶ AG, respectively, and provide comprehensive information about our firm, including our strategy, businesses, financial and operating performance, and other key information.

Pillar 3 disclosures

The Pillar 3 Report provides detailed quantitative and qualitative information about risk, capital, leverage and liquidity for the ۶Ƶ Group and prudential key figures and otherregulatory information for ۶Ƶ AG standalone, ۶ƵSwitzerland AG standalone, ۶ƵEurope SE consolidated and ۶Ƶ Americas Holding LLC consolidated.

SEC and ESEF filings

As foreign private issuers, ۶Ƶ Group AG and ۶Ƶ AG file Annual Reports on Form 20-F with the SEC and submit their quarterly financial reporting to the SEC under Form 6-K. Additionally, as a foreign private issuer in the European Union, ۶Ƶ AG files its financial statements in the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF).